- traverse 1 000 x 1 100 x 750 mm ( X, Y, Z )
- Ø of piece 1 000 x 810mm, weight of piece 2 000kg, when milling 1 000kg
- operation system Heidenhain TNC 640
- spindle power 18 000ot./min. HSK – A63
- turning table with changing angles NC MT Ø 1000
- space for 60 tools
- traverse 850 x 700 x 500 mm ( X, Y, Z )
- Ø of piece 650 x 500mm, weight of piece 600kg
- operating system Heidenhain iTNC 530
- spindle power 18 000 turns/min. HSK – A63
- turning table with changing angles NC Ø 650mm
- space for 38 tools
- traverse 1 000 x 1 100 x 750 mm ( X, Y, Z )
- max. Ø of piece 1 000 x 810mm, weight of piece 2 000kg
- operation system Heidenhain iTNC 530
- spindle power 18 000 turns/min. HSK – A63
- swivelling rotary NC Ø 1150x900
- space for 60 tools
- area of grinding 800x400x500mm
- max weight of part: 500 kg
- Material of the table: natural granite
- portal construction of the machine
- profile grinding
- accepts file formats DXF, CNC
- learning module Win-Wop
- closed cabin, sucks out emulsion fog
- fine filtration of emulsion
- area of grinding 600 x 400 x 375mm
- max weight of part: 300 kg
- Material of the table: cast iron
- profile grinding
- closed cabin, sucks out emulsion fog
- fine filtration of emulsion
- Measuring repeatability: <1um on 500mm
- Scanning system PH10M/SP25
- Measuring software Metrosoft Quartis GEO
- Quartis - SURF measuring planes and general curves in comparation with CAD model
- max dimensions of part 1050x820x420 mm
- max part weight 1500kg traverses 600 x 400 x 425 mm
- increased Z axis
- Tubular drives
- Optical drive system
- Advance M700 CNC-PC ported Mitsubishi with integrated 3D CAD/CAM
- Linear measuring at XY-axes
- FNC finishing generator
- Automatic fast wire threading 0.10-0.30 mm
- max. part dimensions 810 x 700 x 215 mm
- max. part weight 500kg
- tubular drives
- optical drive system
- Advance M700 CNC-PC ported Mitsubishi with integrated 3D CAD/CAM
- Linear measuring at XY-axes
- FNC finishing generator
- Automatic fast wire threading 0.1 - 0.3 mm
- 120A generator
- traverse: 650x450x350mm
- driven by Mistubishi M700 Advance
- electrode wear-out optimalization
- remote control
- surface quality: up to 0.2 um
- 20-positions tool changer
- dimensions of table: 450x260mm
- max dimensions of part: 810x510x240mm
- max weight of part: 300kg
- digital 3-axis measuring
- automatic function of depth sparking
- Ø of the electrode rods: 0.3 - 3mm